To be 100% sure we are supplying high quality coffee, our team is evaluating all coffees that we are selling. Each sample is cupped and tested according to international standards. Only when it is in line with our requirements, we are supplying the coffee to our customers.
Each sample we receive is registered and receives a unique Bijdendijk ID number. After registration we check the appearance of the coffee and we review if any defects can be found.
After registration the samples are roasted on our Probat sample roaster by our quality team. After roasting the appereance of the coffee is reviewed again.
After the coffee beans have been ground and served, the coffee is tasted by the Bijdendijk test panel and the flavor put in words.
After cupping the coffee the results will be registrated in order to move forward with the approval samples and pre-shipment samples. The samples will either be stored or shipped to our customers.
Feel free to reach out to us if you want to talk coffee! There is always someone within our team ready to help you